Abolition Transmission is a radio show produced collectively by incarcerated abolitionists across the so-called “United States,” in collaboration with their comrades on the outside.*

Up next, we’re airing on 4/18 at 5pm ET, as the second in our two-part series on Palestine [the first part was on 12/28/23].

We air on select Thursday evenings on WPKN 89.5FM Bridgeport. You can listen on wpkn.org, or on 89.5FM if you’re in range [within the red line, and maybe the purple]. All audio releases are accompanied by a full transcript, which we highly encourage you to print and mail to your folks inside, or circulate among your communities outside.

We actively work towards a world where prisons and police are rendered obsolete. We have all seen firsthand the death and devastation that is constitutive of the prison industrial complex, whose intentions we know to be genocidal. The PIC works to serve and protect all that for which the state operates — capital, the rich, whiteness, abled people, cis people and so on — at the expense of the rest. And in doing so it causes irreparable harm under the guise of “justice“ while simultaneously failing to address the root cause of any and all criminalized actions.

Our goals are to educate listeners on the past, present and future of abolition and to create connections on both sides of the walls that enable all of us to grow and deepen our practice of abolition. We want to discuss ways in which things could change for the better, the risks we take by fighting the system and the consequences we will more than likely pay. Thanks for listening to or reading our work, and hope you join us in our fight.

*Among other things, we do all the logistical/tech work including making this website.